
Southbridge Food Share was started in the late 1970s by a small group of volunteers.  The organization is based on volunteer contributions of time.  Our operations are made possible through generous donations of money and/or food.  We are authorized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to receive monthly donations from the Worcester County Food Bank located in Shrewsbury, MA.

Our mission is to provide food for area residents who are in need.  Additionally our mission includes the following:

  • we advocate to end hunger in our community
  • we provide volunteer opportunities for those interested in giving back to their community
  • we sponsor, host and participate in events and/or activities that promote our goal.

The Southbridge Food Share Board of Directors is made up of volunteers dedicated to carrying out our mission.

Southbridge Food Share is an equal opportunity provider.

If you are disabled and unable to register yourself in person, we strongly advise you to send a letter with a proxy who can then register you and pick up your food.

Clients with limited English proficiency will be assisted and referred to n appropriate place for additional assistance.

Guests with complaints can contact the USDA agency.

Southbridge food share es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de opotunidades.

Si esta discapacitado y no puede registrase en persona,le recomendamos envie una carta con un representante legal que lo podra registrar y recoger su comida.

Los clientes con ingles limitado,seran asistidos y enviados a un lugar para recibir asistencia.

Los huespedes que tengan quejas pueden comunicarse con la agencia USDA.